Pop Art’s Finest, Steve Kaufman Works Now on Exhibit at the Museum of Passion in Valladolid, Spain
August 15, 2012 / Valladolid, Spain -- American Pop Art, Inc., an online virtual art gallery at www.americanpopartinc.co ...
Pop Art by Steve Kaufman Now on Exhibit at the Palazzo Guiscardo in Pietrasanta, Italy
July 13, 2012 / Pietrasanta, Italy -- American Pop Art, Inc., an online virtual art gallery exclusively dedicated to Steve Kaufman a ...
Pop Art by Steve Kaufman Now on Exhibit at Mihal Gallery, Hotel Múza in Slovakia
July 7, 2012 / Košice, Slovakia -- American Pop Art, Inc., an online virtual art gallery exclusively dedicated to Steve Kaufman art, is pr ...
Steve Kaufman Paintings on Display in Playboy Mansion, and Featured on E! Channel’s "Girls Next Door” Series
Steve Kaufman pop art paintings were frequently seen in episodes of “Girls Next Door,” a reality television se ...
American Pop Art, Inc. Celebrates Historic Art Exhibit of Andy Warhol and Friends
Symbolic Gathering of World Famous Artists in Warhol’s Hometown
May 17, 2012 / Long Beach, NY – American Pop Art, Inc., a Long Island ba ...